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Support Knowledge Base, Article 942
2.1.7 and below
AXFFile error or AXFFileDownloadError when running XFile samples

When attempting to run an XFile sample, after clicking to start an Upload or Download you may get the following error:

AXFFile (or) AXFFileDownloadError
Error: Source = SoftArtisans.XFRequest.1
Description = InternetConnect: The operation completed successfully.


You'll need to set the SAXFileSamples virtual directory to be an application by doing the following:

  1. Go to Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Internet Services Manager.
  2. Click on the name of the machine and expand the tree on the Default Web Site until you see the SAXFileSamples virtual directory.
  3. Right click the SAXFileSamples virtual directory and choose Properties.
  4. Click the Create button. (If there is a button that says Remove but no button that says Create, then the virtual directory is already set as an application. If this is the case, the solution described here will not fix your problem.)
  5. Click OK to exit the dialog and then close IIS if desired.
  6. Try running the sample again.

These errors occur when running the samples because a global.asa file is located in the SAXFileSamples directory. In order for the global.asa file to work correctly with the application, that directory must be set as an application itself in IIS. The global.asa file in the samples contains code that assigns some Application object variables that are used througout the samples.

Created : 9/28/2004 2:30:41 PM (last modified : 9/28/2004 2:30:40 PM)
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