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Support Knowledge Base, Article 243
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Error: "This evaluation version of XFile has expired..." with licensed version installed on server
If users are getting an expiration message after you have installed a full licensed version of XFile, the following is the most likely cause: There was an evaluation version of XFile previously installed on the server and certain remote clients accessed your XFile web pages, causing them to download a cab file containing expiring dlls. When you reinstall XFile on the server, the new cab doesn't automatically get downloaded to the client. In order to force the client to download the new cab, you need to add the version number of the new dll to the codebase parameter of your object tag. (This dll version number should also be updated any time you upgrade XFile. See the XFile installation instructions.)
When you reinstall XFile on the server, the new cab doesn't automatically get downloaded to the client. In order to force the client to download the new cab, you must add the version number of the new dll to the codebase parameter of your object tag.

Here are the steps:

1) From the new saxfile.cab file, extract the dll of the control you are using (the one whose classid you are using in your object tag) to a temporary location. For example, if you are using the visual active-X control, extract saaxfile.dll. If you are using the non-visual XFRequest object, extract saxfile.dll.

2) Get the version number by right-clicking on the dll, choosing "properties" and clicking on the version tab.

3) Add the dll version number to the codebase parameter of the object tag, which points to the location of the cab file.

for example:

<OBJECT classid="CLSID:230C3D02-DA27-11D2-8612-00A0C93EEA3C" id="AXFFile" codebase="/SAXFileSamples/saxfile.cab#version=1,0,9,2">

Here is a list of all the controls in the saxfile.cab file and their respective dlls and classid numbers:

Object Dll Classid
XFRequest SAXFile.dll clsid:C3A57B60-C117-11D2-BD9B-00105A0A7E89
Visual (ActiveX) upload control SAAXFile.dll clsid:230C3D02-DA27-11D2-8612-00A0C93EEA3C
Visual (ActiveX) download control SAAXFile.dll clsid:B82FA17C-F3A9-11D2-B5DD-0050041B7FF6
Progress indicator SAAXFile.dll clsid:C3EAF164-E06A-11D2-B5C9-0050041B7FF6
SA-Archive SAArch.dll clsid:D3400FEE-041F-11D3-B1C5-00A0C9B4587A
SA-FileManager SAFilMgr.dll for Windows NT/2000 OR SAFmgPws.dll for Windows 95/98/Me clsid:E7B62F4E-82F4-11D2-BD41-00105A0A7E89

Created : 12/1/2002 12:00:00 AM (last modified : 1/28/2002 5:27:00 PM)
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