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Support Knowledge Base, Article 213
2.x, 3.x
RegSvr32 Error: 'LoadLibrary ("safileup.dll") failed. GetLastError returns 0x0000007e
When you run the RegSvr32 command from the command prompt with this command:
c:\> regsvr32 safileup.dll
You may receive this error:
LoadLibrary ("safileup.dll") failed. GetLastError returns 0x0000007e
This error message is a result of one or more of these factors:

1) The account you are logged on as does not have sufficient rights to read the DLL
2) The DLL isn't in the directory from which you are running RegSvr32

To resolve this error, do the following:

1) Make sure that you are logged onto the server with an account that has Administrator rights

2) Change your working directory to the location of the DLL (using the CD command)

Created : 12/1/2002 12:00:00 AM (last modified : 3/26/2008 5:02:44 PM)
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