Invalid class string
Make sure that the class string appears correctly such as:
Set oFileUp = Server.CreateObject("SoftArtisans.FileUp") where "SoftArtisans.FileUp" is the class string.
Unregistered DLL Files
Make sure that all FileUp DLL files are registered. Refer to How-To: Determine the location of the registered COM DLL article to determine if a DLL is properly registered. In the event that you need to register a DLL refer to your version of FileUp’s documentation.
If the class name is typed correctly, and the DLL files are registered correctly, the issue is likely a permissions issue.
- Verify that the proper permissions are set correctly for the DLL location on disk.
- Verify that the permissions are set correctly in the registry.
- There are many SoftArtisans FileUp registry keys that inherit permissions from HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key. The HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key contains file name extension associations and COM class registration information such as ProgIDs, CLSIDs, and IIDs. Make sure that the correct permissions are set on the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key so that they can be inherited by SoftArtisans registry keys.
If you continue to have permission issues, see our tutorial troubleshooting permissions issues with Process Monitor. |