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Support Knowledge Base, Article 1411
HOW-TO: Install FileUp on Windows Server 2012

The installer for FileUp version 5.4 and above can run on Windows Server 2012 without any special considerations. However, your application must be assigned to a 32-bit application pool (see KB article 1213).

The installer for FileUp versions 5.1.1 through 5.3.3 can be installed on Windows Server 2012 without the samples with certain additional manual steps, similar to those required for installing in Windows 2008 (see KB article 1274).


The installer for FileUp version 5.4 supports Windows Server 2012. It is highly recommended to upgrade to version 5.4 or higher. (Note: Your application will require additional configuration)

If upgrading is not an option, you can follow the steps in the first part of KB article 1274 for installing FileUp version 5.1.1-5.3.3 without the samples. On Windows 2012, in the "select features" dialog, you also need to uncheck "Documentation."

Created : 4/15/2013 10:26:30 AM (last modified : 5/5/2014 3:52:17 PM)
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