WinInetUploadBufferSize Parameter

 Applet: UploadClient

WinInetUploadBufferSize sets the size in bytes of JFile's send buffer for uploads from Windows using the transfer method WinInet. JFile sends data to the server in chunks equal to the value of WinInetUploadBufferSize.

WinInetUploadBufferSize may be set to any value between 1024 (1 KB) and 1048576 (1 MB). The default value of WinInetUploadBufferSize is 16,384 (16 KB). Decreasing the buffer size may impair performance, particularly with SSL.

WinInet requires Microsoft Virtual Machine (Microsoft VM) which was included with Internet Explorer browsers before version 6. IE 6 does not include Microsoft VM and as of September 2004, Microsoft will no longer support Microsoft VM.
 Example: <param name="WinInetUploadBufferSize" value="131072">