ErrorURL Parameter

 Applet: UploadClient
 Description: ErrorURL specifies the URL of a page to display when an error occurs. When you set the ErrorURL parameter, JFile will add an error code to the URL's query string. For example, if ErrorURL is set to http://localhost/jfilescripts/errorpage.asp, JFile will send the query string http://localhost/jfilescripts/errorpage.asp?jfile_errorcode=number.

See also, Using an Error Page.

ErrorUrl Limitation
JFile's ErrorURL parameter does not work with file downloads.

JFile's Error Codes

Name Value Description
Cancel_Error 100 The user hit the cancel button or closed the status window during a transfer.
General_Receive_Error 200 A failure occurred while receiving a response from the server. The connection with server may have been reset.
General_Send_Error 300 Error occurred while sending the request to the server. The connection with the server may have been broken. There may be a malfunctioning proxy server preventing a large transfer. There may be insufficient privileges on the remote system.
Https_Socket_Not_Supported_Error 301 SSL is currently not supported when using Sockets.
File_Not_Found_Error 302 There are two possible causes: 1) the PostURL is invalid or doesn't exist, or 2) the local preset filename does not exist.
Enable_Permissions_Error 303 This occurs only with Netscape 4.7x, if user has not been granted the required permissions.
No_Files_To_Send_Error 304 No files are set to be uploaded to the server. This may occur if the value of AllowFiles or RestrictFiles is too restrictive.
File_Verification_Error 305 The MD5 hash key generated by the DownloadClient does not match the key sent from the server.
Version_Expired_Error 400 The trial version has expired.
Resume_Init_Error 500 A file system error occured when preparing a resumed file transfer request. This is usually caused by insufficient access rights to JFile's temp directory for resumable uploads (JFileResumeDir).
Successful_With_Download_Error 501 The download completed, but errors occurred during the HTTP download process. Some files were downloaded with errors.
Successful_With_Move_Error 502 The HTTP transfer completed successfully but JFile was unable to save the file to the requested destination. This is usually caused by insufficient access rights or limited disk space.

 Example: <param name="ErrorURL" value="http://localhost/jfilescripts/errorpage.htm">