Gold Support Subscription Package
All SoftArtisans support subscription packages include product
upgrades, access to support engineers via email, phone and
the Web as well as access to online self-help resources, including
an extensive knowledge base and peer-supported discussion lists.
Gold Support Benefits:
- Free major and minor product upgrades
- Two-business hour* guaranteed response, with continuous
effort to resolve business-critical issues
- Unlimited number of incidents
- Up to three named contacts
- Senior Engineers
- Up to three pre-arranged extended hours incidents per year
(7am to 7pm)
Gold Support is priced at 20% of product list price with a
minimum purchase of $1500. To inquire about SoftArtisans Gold
Support subscription package, please contact SoftArtisans.
Contact SoftArtisans
Email: contact@softartisans.com
Toll Free: 1(877)SOFTART (or 763-8278), option
International: +1(617)607-8800, option 1
Support Subscriptions
Comparison Chart
* SoftArtisans Technical Services business hours are Monday
through Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm EST. |