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Support Knowledge Base, Article 882
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RunTime Error: (0x80020009) The RPC server is unavailable.
Error:  (0x80020009)
The RPC server is unavailable.
This error is received when an invalid Domain Controller name is specified in the AccountServer property.

The best way to ensure that the correct name is provided for the AccountServer property is to provide the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the Domain Controller, Member Server or Local Machine, for example:

If the Domain Controller's name is "DC02", and the Active Directory domain name was "internal.MyDomain.com", the FQDN would be "DC02.internal.MyDomain.com".

 set oFM = Server.CreateObject("SoftArtisans.FileManager")
 set oFolder = oFM.GetFolder("C:\MyFolder")

 oFolder.AccountServer = "DC02.internal.MyDomain.com"
 oFolder.AllowAccess "myGroupName", 1024

Using the example above, other naming conventions that may work include:

  • the NetBIOS name of the machine that is the Domain Controller, Member Server or Local Machine. Using the example above, "DC02" would also work, provided that the same name does not occur on multiple domains
  • the Active Directory domain name: "internal.MyDomain.com"

In most scenarios, the NetBIOS name of the domain will not work. In the above example "MyDomain" would not be a sufficient name, and you would receive "The RPC server is unavailable" runtime error.

Created : 6/24/2004 3:21:22 PM (last modified : 6/24/2004 3:21:22 PM)
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