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Support Knowledge Base, Article 1093
Troubleshooting steps to determine if the HttpModule is working
  1. Make sure the asp.net pages have a .uplx extension
  2. Make sure FileUpEeModule.dll is in the bin directory or GAC
  3. Make sure web.config or machine.config has the HttpModule node with the correct version number for the module
  4. Make sure the HttpHandler node is also in web.config or machine.config
  5. Check the registry settings at HKEY LOCAL MACHINE>Software>SoftArtisans>FileUpEe>Parameters
    • UseHttpModuleWithAspDotNet must be set to 1 (and the name of the parameter must be spelled correctly with no extra spaces)
    • FileUpTempDir must be set to a directory with Read/Write/Modify permissions for the account the application is running under
    • FilterAspDotNetAtNKiloBytes should be set to 0
  6. Check the FilterOn property

    From the webserver, you can check the status of the HttpModule on both the webserver and fileserver. For testing purposes, the following code can be added to your webserver code:


    Response.Write("Webserver: " + oFileUpEE.get_FilterOn(saTransferStage.saWebServer));
    //If this is a 3-tier application, you can add the following line
    Response.Write("FileServer: " +  oFileUpEE.get_FilterOn(saTransferStage.saFileServer));


    Response.Write("Webserver: " & oFileUpEE.FilterOn(saTransferStage.saWebServer))
    'If this is a 3-tier application, you can add the following line
    Response.Write "FileServer: " & oFileUpEE.FilterOn(saTransferStage.saFileServer))

    Created : 1/7/2008 4:44:09 PM (last modified : 1/7/2008 4:44:08 PM)
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