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Support Knowledge Base, Article 795
HowTo: Install the FileUp/FileUpEE HttpModule
How do I install the HttpModule included with FileUp and FileUp EE v5+?
Removing the ISAPI filter

If you had the FileUp/FileUpEE ISAPI filter installed in IIS from a previous installation of version 4, the first step is to make sure the filter has been uninstalled. The HttpModule and the ISAPI filter cannot be installed at the same time. Please refer to this knowledge base article for instructions on removing the FileUp/FileUpEE ISAPI filter:

Instructions for manually removing the FileUp ISAPI filter.

Installing the HttpModule
  1. During the automatic installation of FileUp, you were asked if you want to install FileUp for ASP or ASP.NET. If you selected the ASP.NET version, the HttpModule was installed automatically for FileUp's sample applications. If you would like the HttpModule to be available to all applications, install FileUpModule.dll in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). To make the FileUpModule.dll available to a single application, copy FileUpModule.dll to that application's bin folder.

  2. Copy the following text to the appropriate location. For an application-level install, this would be the application's corresponding web.config file. For a machine level install, this would be the machine.config file located in %WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v#.#.####\CONFIG\.
    FileUp Standard and FileUp Professional
       <add name="FileUpModule" type="SoftArtisans.Net.FileUpModule,
       FileUpModule, Version=x.x.x.x, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f593502af6ee46ae"/>
        <add verb="*" path="*.uplx" type="System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory"/> 
    FileUp Enterprise
        <add name="FileUpEeModule" type="SoftArtisans.Net.FileUpEeModule,FileUpEeModule, 
        Version=x.x.x.x, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=f593502af6ee46ae"/> 
        <add verb="*" path="*.uplx" type="System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory"/> 
    Note, please make sure you replace the x.x.x.x with the actual version of the FileUpModule.dll or FileUpEEModule.dll files.
Add the .uplx extension to IIS

FileUp's HttpModule intercepts requests to files with the extension .uplx. After a request is handled by the HttpModule, the request is forwarded to ASP.NET. To allow ASP.NET to process files with the extension .uplx, you must add a script map to IIS (for security reasons, FileUp's automatic installation does not add the script map automatically).

  • For a website level mapping,
    1. Open IIS, right-click your target website, and select Properties.
    2. Select the Home Directory tab.
    3. Click Configuration.
    4. Select the App Mappings tab.
    5. Click Add.
    6. Browse to aspnet_isapi.dll (typically in %WinDir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\#.#.####\).
    7. In the Extension field, enter uplx.
    8. Select All Verbs.
    9. Check Script Engine, and click Ok.

  • For an application level mapping,
    1. Open IIS, right-click your application's virtual directory, and select Properties.
    2. Select the Virtual Directory tab.
    3. Click Configuration.
    4. Select the App Mappings tab.
    5. Click Add.
    6. Browse to aspnet_isapi.dll (typically in %WinDir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\#.#.####\).
    7. In the Extension field, enter uplx.
    8. Select All Verbs.
    9. Check Script Engine, and click Ok.
Changing where the HttpModule Caches its Data

FileUp's HttpModule will cache request data before it is processed by ASP.NET. The cache location is set in the Windows registry. By default, the cache location is the system's default directory for cached files, which is determined by the system environment variable TEMP. To set a different temp directory for the HttpModule:

    FileUp Standard and FileUp Professional
  1. Open the Start menu, and select Run.
  2. Enter regedit and click Ok.
  3. Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Software Artisans\SA-FileUp\Parameters.
  4. Right-click FileUpTempDir and select Modify.
  5. In Value Data, enter the path and folder name.
    FileUp Enterprise
  1. Open the Start menu, and select Run.
  2. Enter regedit and click Ok.
  3. Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SoftArtisans\FileUpEE\Parameters.
  4. Right-click FileUpEETempDir and select Modify.
  5. In Value Data, enter the path and folder name.

The temp directory must be on a local drive, not on a network shared drive. The HttpModule and ISAPI filter write to the server hard drive as the local SYSTEM account and this account does not have access to network drives.

Created : 2/4/2004 11:44:48 AM (last modified : 2/4/2004 11:44:48 AM)
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